Regulation processes in cells are performed by networks of interacting genes, which regulate each other's expression. Recent studies have shown that these networks are typically sparse and include recurring modules or motifs. To analyze the function of genetic networks, one needs to simulate their dynamics. Since the networks often exhibit strong fluctuations, stochastic methods, based on the master equation, are required. In this talk I will consider a class of genetic modules such as the toggle switch [1,2], the mixed feedback loop and the repressilator. I will show that in such modules, which include feedback, fluctuations give rise to crucial quantitative and qualitative effects. More complete understanding of the function of genetic networks will require to simulate large complex networks, which consist of many interacting modules. While direct integration of the master equation is suitable for the analysis of small modules, it becomes infeasible in the case of complex networks, because the number of equations increases exponentially with the number of genes in the network. As a potential solution to this problem, I will present the multi-plane method [3]. This method has been used for chemical networks, where it provides a dramatic reduction in the number of equations and enables to perform stochastic simulations of complex reaction networks. Current efforts are aimed at extending the method to the more general reaction processes and interactions which appear in genetic networks. [1] A. Lipshtat, A. Loinger, N.Q. Balaban and O. Biham, Genetic toggle switch without cooperative binding, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 188101 (2006). [2] A. Loinger, A. Lipshtat, N.Q. Balaban and O. Biham, Stochastic simulations of genetic switch systems, Phys. Rev. E 75, 021904 (2007). [3] A. Lipshtat, O. Biham, Efficient simulations of gas-grain chemistry in interstellar clouds, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 170601 (2004).