Granular particles in agitated motion appear in numerous applications in nature and technology, and are also of fundamental interest in nonequilibrium statistical physics. The dynamical evolution of granular fluids is governed by \textit{inelastic} collisions leading to a continuous dissipation of energy. In contrast to molecular fluids equipartition of energy therefore does not hold, the spatially homogeneous state is unstable, velocities do not obey the Maxwell-Boltzmann-distribution, and translational and rotational degrees of freedom are correlated. We begin by discussing the free cooling of a granular fluid, the decay of kinetic energy in the absence of external driving. The talk then focusses on the dynamics in steady state, where energy dissipation through collisions is compensated by external forces. The emphasis will be on the glass transition, which is studied analytically within mode coupling theory and numerically using event-driven simulations.