University of Cologne // Institute for Theoretical Physics

Exercise class
Information Theory & Statistical Physics Summer Term 2017

Johannes Berg
Stephan Kleinbölting (mail)


  • Please email a copy of your code and figures to Simon Dettmer! The first part of the exercise should be thrown into the mailbox as usual.
  • 13.07 - The last problem sheet is up. It's mainly a programming exercise. If you have any - in particular technical - questions, please do ask.
  • 20.06 - Solutions to sheet 3 online. Please contact me if you have questions.
  • 16.06 - Sheet no. 4 is online. Because of yesterdays holiday the due date is again next Friday. To be discussed on Wed., 28.06.
    A solutions manual for sheet number 3 will be available shortly./li>
  • 26.05 - Sheet no. 3 is up! Due date is next Friday, not Thursday.
  • There was a small typo in part d) of exercise no. 10.The not-optimal codeword lengths need to be rounded up if the code is not D-adic, i.e the $p(x)$ are negative integer powers of $D$.
  • 27.04 - The first problem sheet is online. If you find any errors, or have questions, please write me an email!
  • 24.04 - There will be a tutorial this Wednesday, 26.04 16:00 instead of a lecture. We are going to discuss some aspects of probability theory. You do not need to prepare anything, but will instead have time to work on problems during the session.


Time & place
Every second Wednesday starting May 10th, 16:00-17:30
Room 0.01 ETP
Simon Dettmer (mail)
Exercises are to be thrown into the mailbox in front of the theory institute. You are encouraged to hand in your work in groups of up to three people.
You need to gather at least 50% of the points to be awarded credits.

Problem sets

Week 28 Belief Propagation in the Ising model: Programming exercise
IsingBeliefPropagation (notebook), IsingBeliefPropagation (static HTML)
Week 26 Bayesian Inference: bent coin, Maximum a posteriori
Week 24 Landauer's principle, Kraft-McMillan inequality, Huffmann codes
Week 21 Rare events, Sampling bias
Solutions, SamplingBias (notebook), SamplingBias (static HTML)
Week 19 Entropy II, Entropy of the normal, Kraft inequality
Week 17 Entropy I, Sum of random variables, Weak law of large numbers
Week 17 Basic probability theory
including solutions


  • MacKay, Information theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms (CUP)
    You can download a PDF version here.