Title: "Motion and Relativity"
In this talk I present an outline of the problem of motion
in General Relativity. After a moderate survey on the existing
literature I focus on the motion of a test particle and discuss
one of the established approximation schemes in more detail.
A (very) short outlook on alternative gravity theories and the
cosmological model building process will be provided.
"Die Tatsache, dass die Materie unter dem Einfluss eines
aeusseren Feldes Kraeften unterworfen ist, erscheint dem
experimentierenden Physiker als etwas ausserordentlich
Natuerliches und Selbstverstaendliches, - fuer den Theoretiker
bildet sie eine harte Nuss."
C. Lanczos, Physikal. Zeit. 28 (1927) 723
"The fact that matter is subject to forces under the influence of
an external field appears to be natural and self-evident for an
experimental physicist, but is a hard nut for the theoretician
to crack."