Lecture: Computational Many-Body Physics

Requirements for the admission to the module exam:

For the signature on the form "Anmeldung zur Modulprüfung im Masterstudiengang", each student has to select one topic from the list below and present the results in a talk of about 20 minutes. The talks can be prepared and presented in groups of two students.

The presentation should include:
  • motivation; theoretical background; the specific numerical approach
  • the code (the interesting parts of the code should be explained in detail)
  • results and interpretation; what are the limitations of the numerical method?
Please let me know (via e-mail or after the lectures) the topic of your choice. If necessary, we can split each of the projects into several projects.
  • rule N (elementary cellular automata)
    - random initial configurations with p the probability for zi = 1; calculate the average < zi(t) > for different values of p and N;
    - generalizations: extended neighbourhoods, zi in {0,1,2}, etc.; find rules with "interesting" behaviour;
  • Game of Life
    - visualize the evolution of various initial configurations (oscillators, gliders, etc.);
    - starting from a random configuration, calculate the number of living cells as function of iteration;
    - variations of the rules: are there any other interesting sets of rules?
    - generalization to other lattices: 2d-hexagonal, 2d-triangular, etc.;
  • ASEP
    - calculate the fundamental diagram (flow vs. density) for different variants of the model (open/periodic boundary conditions, sequential/parallel update, etc.)
    [Itak, Overberg]
  • Nagel-Schreckenberg model
    - calculate the fundamental diagram (flow vs. density)
    [Mai, Sandt]
  • two-dimensional Ising model
    - Monte-Carlo/Metropolis algorithm: calculate the critical exponents for the phase transition (paramagnet-ferromagnet)
  • classical XY-model
    - Monte-Carlo/Metropolis algorithm
    - thermodynamics; Tc
    [Walter, Wassmer], [Angaji, Keisers]
  • Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem
    - harmonic chain + anharmonic potential
    - numerical solution of the set of differential equation
    - energy transport/equilibration
    [Bruch, Gresista], [Hernández, Teja]
  • N-body gravitational systems
    - periodic orbits of the three-body problem
    - numerical simulation of ~10-20 masses [Neis, Ruchnewitz]
  • Schrödinger equation for many-electron atoms
    [Kalhöfer, von Schoeler]
  • spin correlations of quantum spin models I
    - afm Heisenberg chain, T=0
    - study the influence of geometric frustration on the spin-correlation
  • spin correlations of quantum spin models II
    - afm Heisenberg chain, temperature dependence of spin-correlations
    - comparison with afm Ising model (via classical Monte-Carlo/Metropolis algorithm)
  • anisotropic (quantum) Heisenberg models
    - XXZ- and XY model
    - Jordan-Wigner transformation; relation to fermionic tight-binding models
  • Kitaev clusters (this can be split up in various separate projects)
    - geometry: honeycomb lattice, ladders
    - spectrum of eigenenergies
    - spin-correlations
    - expectation value of plaquette operators
    - eigenenergies from the Majorana-Fermion approach: comparison with full diagonalization
    [Bezvershenko, Joy]
  • entanglement entropy
    - afm Heisenberg chain, T=0
    - dependence on length of subsystems
    [Biertz, van der Feltz]
  • logarithmic negativity
    - afm Heisenberg chain, T=0
    - comparison with entanglement entropy
    - are there entangled states for which the logarithmic negativity gives zero?
    [Hopfer, Titz]
  • Lanczos algorithm
    - implement the Lanczos algorithm for the one-dimensional Heisenberg chain
    - optional: symmetries; sparse matrices
    - comparison with the results from the full diagonalization
  • iterative diagonalization
  • single-impurity Anderson model
    - full diagonalization of a small cluster
    - use the symmetries of the model to reduce the size of the matrices
    [Henze, Kaufhold]
(more projects to follow)

  • Monday, June 17
    - S. Bieler: rule N
    - P. Kahl: Game of Life
  • Wednesday, June 19
    - Y. Itak, F. Overberg: ASEP
    - M. Mai, R. Sandt: Nagel-Schreckenberg model
  • Monday, June 24
    - Y. Winkowski: two-dimensional Ising model
    - T. Walter, J. Wassmer: classical XY-model I
    - A. Angaji, J. Keisers: classical XY-model II
  • Wednesday, June 26
    - N. Bruch, L. Gresista: Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem I
  • Monday, July 1
    - A. Hernández, K. Teja: Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem II
    - S. Kalhöfer, K. von Schoeler: Schrödinger equation for many-electron atoms
    - T. Krahe: spin correlations of quantum spin models I
  • Wednesday, July 3
    - A. Bezvershenko, A. Joy: Kitaev clusters
    - R. Biertz, W. van der Feltz: entanglement entropy
    - Tanul: Lanczos algorithm
  • Monday, July 8
    - K. Hopfer, M. Titz: logarithmic negativity
    - F. Henze, L. Kaufhold: single-impurity Anderson model
  • Wednesday, July 10
    - M. Neis, D. Ruchnewitz: N-body gravitational systems
  • date not yet fixed
    - F. Michael: anisotropic (quantum) Heisenberg models

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