Website of Prof. H. Dieter Zeh (1932-2018)

"Man can retire, but man can never stop thinking …" (Ben Liang Li)


A Frog's Bird's View

This website offers a list of selected publications, most of them with links to electronic versions, and some unpublished "web essays" for download.
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Note that some old papers on this website may be draft versions or preprints. More recent ones are mostly revised versions of their printed originals (compare their dates or see for version number).

Quote from page 24 of my “Strange (hi)story of particles and waves“ (see Quantum Theory):
If the global quantum state does indeed always obey unitary dynamics, the observed quantum indeterminism can clearly not represent any objective dynamical law. In the Everett interpretation it is in principle a “subjective” phenomenon that instead reflects the (then unavoidable) branching histories of all conceivable observers into many different successors (with their “many minds”). This may explain Heisenberg’s interpretation of quantum measurements as requiring “human” observers. … All measurement outcomes are thereby objectivized by the correlation between those versions of different observers (including Wigner’s friend or Schrödinger’s cat) who exist in the same Everett branch, and thus can communicate. For all practical purposes, their entanglement with the apparatus after reading it, and with the environment, also justifies Bohr’s interpretation of measurements (unlike Heisenberg’s) in terms of classical outcomes that would be irreversibly and objectively created (in apparent events) by the macroscopic apparatus. This macroscopic entanglement (in addition to decoherence) explains the traditional concept of a “classical reality”: only a documented phenomenon is a phenomenon.