Is there an information loss paradox?
H. D. Zeh (Dec. 2004)
Stephen Hawking's claim of a lost bet recently stirred up a lot of
interest and discussion in the media (physical journals included). If
correct, it would mean that the
"information" falling into a black hole must later come out in some
way, for example in
terms of correlations existing within the Hawking radiation – even
though this can
hardly ever be used to
recover the original information. The opposite assumption that this
information is irretrievably lost (as it should for classical black
holes containing a singularity) is generally regarded as a paradox,
since it seems to violate unitarity.
Most physicists so far seem to agree that they do not understand
Hawking's new arguments against his own bet, which were presented by
means of a complicated calculation using specific methods and
approximations. However, any calculation must be based on certain
concepts and
assumptions, in particular
about the validity of unitarity on a
fundamental level, or about the reality of spacetime. If unitarity were
assumed, Hawking's claim would not need any further
calculation (as pointed out long ago by Don Page, for example). Can
this fundamental question about the validity of unitarity then be
answered on the basis of a calculation? I
don't see how: all one can learn in this
way is what has been tacitly assumed
(or what may have been induced by specific approximations).
However, there exist many well known descriptions of natural phenomena,
in which information becomes effectively
lost. Let me first
emphasize that "information" is here always understood in the objective
of a formal ensemble evolving according to certain dynamical laws. So
it is generally accepted to be conserved under deterministic (or
unitary in the case of quantum theory) laws. The question of principle
therefore regards these hypothetical though empirically successful laws
– not what we happen to know
or are able to
observe or calculate.
In practice, many deviations from information-conserving laws are
meaningful and successfully used. For example in classical physics,
master equation (such as Boltzmann's collision equation) are based on
permanent neglect of arising
correlations or other kinds of "irrelevant" information when
calculating into the future direction of time. The validity of this
approximation, which requires a special cosmic initial condition,
is responsible for the increase of entropy. By
definition, ensemble entropy would be conserved under deterministic
of motion if it were calculated by taking into account all irrelevant
information, such as correlations, but this would require a highly
non-extensive concept of entropy.
Similarly, in quantum theory, global unitary
would warrant
the conservation of global entropy or "information"
(negentropy), but this global unitarity can hardly ever be probed or
used. If one
assumes (with Bohr) that quantum theory is not applicable to
macroscopic objects, unitarity is not even an
issue for them. If one assumes instead (with von Neumann, Pearle or
that the
Schrödinger equation has to be modified in order to describe the
collapse of the wave function, unitarity is an approximation, valid for
microscopic objects only. However, if one assumes that the
Schrödinger equation is exact, one has to accept a
superposition of myriads of branching Everett "universes". This
superposition would not just
describe our observed universe, which is quantum mechanically
represented by one
Everett branch. A single branch by itself describes the same stochastic
phenomena as a
genuine collapse (that is, measurements in a general sense).
Information is here
deterministically transformed
into unaccessible phase relations
between different Everett components. Why then is
unitarity such a
burning question in quantum gravity
or unified quantum field theory – beyond
the "normal" and much discussed problem of quantum measurements? It
that physicists working in special fields are entirely ingnorant about
is known or done in other fields.
Well, unitarity would be a
problem (of principle) in the ideal case
of completely
isolated black holes. However, black holes are macroscopic objects,
which are inevitably subject to the permanent action of decoherence in
the ordinary quantum mechanical sense of phase relations becoming
dislocalized (as described in detail by Claus Kiefer).
All quasi-classical concepts (including spacetime) owe their existence
to this irreversible process. In this way, the existence of black holes
future horizons requires the time arrow of
radiation and decoherence. Since general relativity is time
reversal-invariant, a universe containing advanced radiation only would
have to
time-reversed "white" holes (with "growing hair"). Isolated quantum
(not affected by
decoherence) must be expected to come in time-symmetric superpositions
of black and
white (that is, in energy eigenstates without any classical
interpretation). They
can therefore not be responsible
for a new (and unnecessary)
kind of
decoherence that is based on
the presumption of (classical) future horizons. A macroscopic "hole" in
universe must be permanently subject to the information loss (entropy
increase) by means
of ordinary decoherence, and therefore
be "black" (in the sense of
possessing a future horizon and obeying the no-hair theorem
in the asymptotic
Quantum interference (confirming unitarity) has now been observed with
molecules, and it may some day be confirmed for small individual
viruses. One
may even argue what an
interference experiment with
conscious observers – though impossible in practice – would mean
example, whether they would observe their own passage through one or
simultaneously through
slits). However, the assumption of a strictly isolated
black hole (required for a
corresponding experiment)
seems to be self-contradictory. Probing the unitarity in processes
containing black holes
would require the
recoherence (recombination
respect to a local observer) of all thereby arising
Everett branches into one branch again! While no black hole can ever
there is no specific reason on
the basis of quantum gravity to have doubts about global
unitarity, valid for the superposition of all Everett branches (as far
as a concept of dynamical time
remains meaningful).
See also Where has all
the information gone?
Sect. 7 of Roots and Fruits of Decoherence
Sect. 6.2.3
of The Physical Basis of the
Direction of Time
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