Prof. Dr. Achim Rosch >>
Tel.: +49 (0)221 470 4994
Fax: +49 (0)221 470 2189,
Email: rosch _@_


Name   Position   Research areas   Office   phone
Rosch, Achim Prof. condensed matter theory
transitions,quantum impurities, skyrmions
rosch 2.07 new building 0221 - 470 - 4994
Park, Jinhong Postdoc quantum transport jinhong 2.06 new building 0221 - 470 - 1054
Heinen, Lukas Postdoc skyrmionics, chiral magnets lheinen 111 0221 - 470 - 4211

Ph.D. Students

Name   Position   Research areas   Office   phone
Bezvershenko, Alla PhD student non equilibrium, skyrmions abezvers 112b 0221 - 470 - 4212
Anne Matthies PhD student Non equilibrium, Majorana devices matthies 112b 0221 - 470 - 4212
Aprem Joy PhD student emergent gauge theories, TBG apjoy 2.06, TP 0221 - 470 - 1054
Hardt, Dennis PhD student periodically driven systemsTransport theory, ultracold atoms
hardt 111 0221 - 470 - 4211
del Ser, Nina PhD student chiral magnets, Floquet skyrmionics ndelser 112b 0221 - 470 - 4211
Bömerich, Thomas PhD student transport, Dirac matter tboemeri 111 0221 - 470 - 4211
Lohani, Vivek PhD student SYK, skyrmions lohani 111 0221 - 470 - 4211


Former group members "in academia"

Garst, Markus PhD student and postdoc professor, theoretical physics, Karlsruhe
Fischer, Inga PhD, 2004-3/2007 professor, experimental physics, Cottbus-Senftenberg
Mandt, Stephan PhD, 11/08-8/12 professor, computer science at the University of California, Irvine.
Bamler, Robert PhD student professor, machine learning, Tübingen
Everschor-Sitte, Karin PhD student 7/09-6/12, postdoc 7/12-7/13 professor, theoretical physics, Duisburg-Essen
Legg, Henry PhD 2015-2019 professor, theoretical physics, St. Andrews
Meng Tobias PhD+postdoc, 4/09-9/12 Emmy-Noether group leader, Dresden
Sela, Eran postdoc, 12/09-09/12 professor, theoretical physics, Tel Aviv
Fritz, Lars head of Emmy Noether group, 13 professor, theoretical physics, Utrecht
Lenarcic, Zala postdoc researcher, Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia
Costi, Theo senior postdoc, 1/2004 - 12/2004 researcher, Research Center Jülich
Masell, Jan PhD student postdoc Riken, Tokyo
Shah, Nayana postdoc, 10/2004 - 9/2006 Washington University in St. Louis


Further former group members

Lange, Florian PhD student
Weiß, Philipp PhD student
Genkse Maximilian PhD student
Lux, Jonathan PhD student
Waizner, Johannes PhD student
Strack, Philipp junior group leader
Schütte, Christoph PhD student xxx, postdoc xxx google
Sitte Matthias PhD student 7/08-10/12, postdoc 10/12-6/13 postdoc, Austin
Zacharias, Mario PhD student
Krautscheid, Pascal master
Buldmann, Benjamin master
Rodriguez, Karen postdoc, 5/11-10/12
Cubrovic, Mihailo postdoc assistent professor, University of Belgrade
Rasch, David PhD, 4/07-7/10
Rapp, Akos postdoc, 10/08-08/11 postdoc Hannover
Anfuso, Fabrizio postdoc, 4/06-12/08
Helmes, Rolf PhD, 10/04-08/08
Jung, Peter PhD, 6/2004-3/2008
Müller-Gugenberger, Clemens 2005-2006