Group members

All phone numbers are preceeded by +49-221-470 | E-mail addresses are all

Simon Trebst
Simon Trebst (cv)
Group leader
Room: TP 2.12 | Tel: 7420 | email: trebst | github repository
My interests span a broad range of topics in condensed matter physics. Recent themes include the emergence and stability of topological order in interacting quantum many-body systems, the formation of exotic quantum states in highly-frustrated systems, and the development of numerical approaches to conquer these problems.
Bianca Bannenberg
Master student
Room: TP 2.05 | Tel: 1053 | email: bbannenb
Quantum dynamics.
Finn Eckstein
PhD student
Room: TP 2.05 | Tel: 1053 | email: eckstein
Monitored quantum circuits.
Lasse Gresista
PhD student
Room: 110 | Tel: 4208 | email: gresista
Renormalization group approaches for frustrated magnets.
Theo Haas
PhD student
Room: 111 | Tel: 4211 | email: thaas
Quantum error correction.
Quinten Preiß
Master student
Room: 111 | Tel: 4211 | email: qpreiss
Monitored quantum circuit simulations.
Malte Pütz
PhD student
Room: TP 2.05 | Tel: 1053 | email: mpuetz
Nishimori cat states.
Jiaxin Qiao
PhD student (starting 11/2024)
Room: TP 2.05 | Tel: 1053 | email: jqiao
Quantum dynamics.
Sagar Ramchandani
PhD student
Room: 110 | Tel: 4208 | email: sramchan
Frustrated magnetism.
Nikos Tsantidis
Master student (co-supervised by Xhek Turkeshi)
Room: 111 | Te: 4211 | email: ntsantid
Shadow tomography.
Yoshito Watanabe
Room: TP 2.11 | Tel: 1059 | email: watanabe
Frustrated magnetism, non-linear spectroscopy, quantum circuits.

Administrative support

Konstantina (Dina) Schäfer
Room: TP 2.09 | Tel: 5756 | email: office

Group alumni

Prof. Guo-Yi Zhu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ('21-'24)
Christoph Berke ('23-'24)
Prof. Ciarán Hickey, University of Dublin ('17-'22, Max Delbrück-Award '22)
Prof. Chae-Yeun Park, Yonsei University ('20-'21) [github repository]
Prof. Maria Hermanns, University of Stockholm ('12-'17, Emmy-Noether group, Max Delbrück-Award '16)

PhD students
Kai Meinerz '24, Martin Gembé '23, Christoph Berke '23, Dominik Kiese '22, Jan Attig '22, Carsten Bauer '20, Tim Eschmann '20, Finn Lasse Büßen '19, Kevin O'Brien '19 (with M. Hermanns), Peter Bröcker '18, Max Gerlach '17, Johannes Helmes '16, Michael Becker '14
(see also their PhD theses)

Master students
Daniel Simm '24, Malte Pütz '24 (co-supervised with Guo-Yi Zhu), Theo Haas '24, Finn Eckstein '24 (co-supervised with Guo-Yi Zhu), Bernhard Wortmann '23, Simon-Dominik Börner '22, Luca Peterlini '22, Vaishnavi Jayakumar '20 (co-supervised with C. Hickey), Ankita Negi '20 (co-supervised with V. Dwivedi), Bahar Ghannad '19, Kai Meinerz '18, Dominik Kiese '18, Dennis Wawrzik '17, Tilman Disselkamp '17, Jan Attig '17, Tim Eschmann '16, Finn Lasse Büssen '16, Wilfried Michel '15, Stephanie Matern '15, Kevin O'Brien '14, Stefan Wolff '14, Mascha Baedorf '14, Peter Broecker '13, Stefan Bittihn '13

Bachelor students
Julian Steffen '24, Caroline Thiele '23, Bianca Bannenberg '23, Quinten Preiß '21, Daniel Simm '21, Tobias Dörstel '21, Lukas Noth '21, Malte Pütz '21, Joel Kunkel '21, Adriane Bastiaens '20, Philip Valder '20, Jan Reuter '19, Florian Michael '18, Jonas Rath '18, Jonas Wassmer '18, Simon Barton '17, Konstantin Dietrich '17, Frederic Freyer '17, Martin Gembe '17, Felix Henschke '17, David Lindner '16, Manuel Zohlen '15, Benjamin Heil '15, Tim Eschmann '14, Jan Attig '14, Dirk Schaefer '14, Finn Lasse Büssen '14, Wilfried Michel '13, Peter Gerliz '13, Oliver Wohak '12

Open positions

If you are interested in joining our group, please contact us.