A short talk on our "chaotic transmon" project discussing the many-body physics of transmon qubit processors.
A longer version of this talk, given in a colloquium setting at the Flatiron Institute, is available under the heading Quantum Computing al dente.
A longer version of this talk, given in a colloquium setting at the Flatiron Institute, is available under the heading Quantum Computing al dente.
A 30-minute talk from the 2022 APS March Meeting on our project designing a hierarchical decoder for quantum error correction that is fully scalable up to 100,000 qubit processors.
A 30-minute talk on our line of research developing a supersymmetry perspective on frustrated magnetism and topological mechanics that allows us to link lattice geometries
to topological features.
Invited conference / summer school talks
- Workshop on Quantum information dynamics and non-equilibrium quantum matter,
SimonsCenter for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook (December 2024)
Monitored Kitaev models: Quantum circuits, entanglement dynamics, and synthetic fractionalization [video]
- ISSP theory mini-workshop Correlated Quantum Materials + beyond,
University of Tokyo, Japan (November 2024)
Monitored Kitaev models: Quantum circuits, entanglement dynamics, and synthetic fractionalization [slides]
- KIAS workshop on Emergent Quantum Matter with Topology and Correlations,
Korean Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul, South Korea (November 2024)
Nishimori physics — statistical physics, quantum measurements, and non-unitary dynamics [slides]
- 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning for Quantum Technology,
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen (November 2024)
Decoding quantum many-body teleportation [slides]
- ML4Q summer school Quantum Error Correction,
Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Bonn (September 2024)
Decoding quantum many-body teleportation [slides]
- Advanced Working Group on Energy Landscape Engineering and Code Optimisation,
Trinity College Cambridge, UK (September 2024)
Nishimori physics — spin glasses, quantum measurements, and non-unitary dynamics [slides]
- Aspen workshop on Probing Collective Excitations in Quantum Matter by Transport and Spectroscopy,
Aspen Center for Physics, Colorado (July 2024)
Exploring two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy [notes]
- SRITP-FTPI workshop New Frontiers in Quantum Matter,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (March 2024)
Robust quantum many-body teleportation [slides]
- FTPI Conference Pre March Meeting,
Minneapolis, MN (March 2024)
Fractionalization in synthetic quantum matter [slides, keynote]
- ICTP Conference Fractionalization and Emergent Gauge Fields in Quantum Matter,
Trieste, Italy (December 2023)
Qubit Fractionalization and Emergent Majorana Liquid in the Honeycomb Floquet Code [video, slides]
- Autumn school on Correlated Eletrons: Orbital Physics in Correlated Matter,
Forschungszentrum Jülich (September 2023)
Kitaev Magnets [proceedings]
- Workshop Quantum Many-Body Methods in Condensed Matter Systems,
RWTH Aachen (September 2023)
Speeding up quantum-many body physics with monitored quantum circuits
- KITP Conference Dynamical Response and Transport in Quantum Magnets,
Santa Barbara, CA (August 2023)
Monitored Kitaev Spin Liquids [video, slides]
- International Conference A Quantum Many-Body Handshake: Theory and Simulation meet Experiment,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (December 2022)
Nishimori's Cat — stable long-range entanglement in monitored quantum circuits [slides]
- SFB 1143 International Conference Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration To Topology,
TU Dresden, Germany (November 2022)
Supersymmetry on the lattice
- Workshop on Topological Quantum Phases of Matter Beyond Two Dimensions,
Sorbonne Université, Paris (October 2022)
Topological fracton quantum phase transitions [slides]
- Frustrated Metals and Insulators,
ICTS / Tata Institute, India (virtual, September 2022)
Supersymmetry on the lattice [video, slides]
- EPS Condensed Matter Division (CMD) Meeting 2022,
Manchester, UK (virtual, August 2022)
Universal principles of moiré band structures [video, slides]
- Asian-European workshop on SU(N) physics in condensed matter and cold atoms,
Osaka, Japan (virtual, May 2022)
Moments and Multiplets in Moiré materials [slides]
- CRC 183 conference Entangled States of Matter,
Berlin, Germany (May 2022)
Quantum Computing al dente [slides]
- APS March Meeting 2022,
Chicago, USA (virtual, March 2022)
Scalable Neural Decoder for Topological Surface Codes [video, slides]
- Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems,
Benasque, Spain (February 2020)
Macroscopic entanglement, spin liquids, and Kitaev materials [lecture #1, lecture #2, lecture #3]
- CRC183 meeting Entangled States of Matter,
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen (July 2019)
topology and supersymmetry [slides]
- Correlated Electrons in Transition-Metal Compounds,
MPI-PKS, Dresden (November 2018)
Field-driven Higgs transition in two-dimensional Kitaev materials [slides]
- Machine Learning and Many-Body Quantum Physics,
Flatiron Institute, New York (April 2018)
Quantum phase recognition
- IWH Symposium Beyond Digital Computing,
Heidelberg, Germany (March 2018)
Machine learning quantum phases of matter
- APS March Meeting 2018,
Los Angeles, USA (March 2018)
Machine learning of quantum many-fermion systems
- NIC Symposium 2018,
Jülich, Germany (February 2018)
Exact Results for the Many-Electron Problem: Competing Orders in a Nearly Antiferromagnetic Metal
- Spin-Orbit Materials 2017,
Luxembourg (July 2017)
Topological semimetals and insulators in three-dimensional honeycomb materials
- Cornell Summer School on Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Materials,
Cornell, NY (May 2017)
Introduction to Machine Learning [slides]
Machine Learning Quantum Phases of Matter [slides]
- 48th IFF Spring School on Topological Matter,
Jülich, Germany (April 2017)
Kitaev materials [slides, lecture notes]
- International Institute of Physics (iip) workshop on Topological States of Matter,
Natal, Brazil (March 2017)
Machine learning quantum phases of matter [video]
- TopoNet Symposium on Topological Phases and Functionality of Correlated Electron Systems,
Univeristy of Tokyo, Japan (February 2017)
Spin Liquids and (Majorana) Metals
- Nordita workshop on From Quantum Field Theories to Numerical Methods,
Stockholm, Sweden (May 2016)
Entanglement and the fermion sign problem
- Third annual workshop of the Helmholtz Virtual Institute New states of matter and their excitations
Berlin, Germany (June 2015)
Classification of gapless Z2 spin liquids in three-dimensional Kitaev models [slides]
March Meeting 2015,
San Antonio, USA (March 2015)
Majorana metals in spin-orbit entangled quantum matter [slides]
- ESI workshop on Foundations of Topological Matter: Symmetries, Disorder, and Correlations,
Vienna, Austria (September 2014)
Chiral spin liquids, network models, and fractional quantum Hall states [slides]
- Nordita workshop on Novel Directions in Frustrated and Critical Magnetism,
Stockholm, Sweden (August 2014)
Chiral spin liquids, network models, and fractional quantum Hall states
- MPI-PKS workshop on Topology and Entanglement
Dresden, Germany (July 2014)
Majorana metals and quantum spin liquids [slides]
- DPG Spring Meeting 2014
Dresden, Germany (April 2014)
Collective spin-orbital physics in j=1/2 Mott insulators [slides]
- Monte Verita workshop on Mott physics beyond the Heisenberg model
Centro Stefano Franscini / Monte Verita, Switzerland (October 2013)
Spin-orbit physics of j=1/2 Mott insulators on the triangular lattice
- SFB/TR 49 Student seminar
Hamburg, Germany (October 2013)
Classical and quantum spin liquids [slides lecture #1,slides lecture #2]
- Fall school on Advanced Algorithms for Correlated Quantum Matter
Würzburg, Germany (October 2013)
Topological Order: Concepts, Numerics, and Examples [slides]
- Workshop on Electronic properties of spin-orbit driven oxides
IFW Dresden, Germany (September 2013)
Spin-orbit physics of j=1/2 Mott insulators on the triangular lattice
- Cargese workshop on Topological Phases in Condensed Matter and Cold Atom Systems
Cargese, Corsica / France (June 2013)
Majorana metals [slides]
- Kick-off workshop of the Helmholtz Virtual Institute New states of matter and their excitations
Berlin, Germany (April 2013)
Gapped and gapless spin liquid phases on the Kagome lattice from chiral three-spin interactions
- DPG Spring Meeting 2013
Regensburg, Germany (March 2013)
Topological Defects and Quantum Computing
- International Workshop on Cooperative Quantum Dynamics and Its Control
Jülich, Germany (October 2012)
Interactions and disorder in topological quantum matter
- MPI-PKS workshop on Impurities and Textures in Unconventional Magnets
Dresden, Germany (April 2012)
Impurity effects in highly frustrated diamond-lattice antiferromagnets
- DPG Spring Meeting 2012
Berlin, Germany (March 2012)
Interactions and disorder in topological quantum matter
- APS March Meeting 2012,
Boston, USA (March 2012)
Possible proximity of the Iridates (Na,Li)2IrO3 to a topologically ordered Mott insulator:
Phase diagram of the Heisenberg-Kitaev model
- RPMBT16 - International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories,
Bariloche, Argentina (November 2011)
Topological order and quantum criticality
Berkeley Mini Statistical Mechanics Meeting
UC Berkeley (January 2011)
Optimized statistical ensembles for slowly equilibrating systems
- Cecam Summer School: Simulating strongly correlated systems,
Zurich, Switzerland (September 2010)
Extended Ensemble Simulations
Linked Cluster Expansions
- Boulder Summer School on Computational and Conceptual Approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems,
Boulder (July 2010)
Extended Ensemble Simulations [notes]
Linked Cluster Expansions [slides]
- MPI-PKS workshop on Interactions, Disorder, and Topology in Quantum Hall Systems,
Dresden, Germany (June 2010)
Collective states of interacting non-Abelian anyons [slides]
- The American Chemical Society's 2010 Spring Meeting,
San Francisco (March 2010)
Optimized statistical ensembles for slowly equilibrating classical and quantum systems [slides]
- Les Houches workshop "Physics in the plane: From condensed matter to string theory",
Les Houches, France (March 2010)
Topological Order and Quantum Criticality [slides]
- KIAS workshop "Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics",
Seoul, South Korea (December 2009)
Interacting anyons in topological quantum liquids
- Nordita workshop on Quantum Hall physics - Novel systems and applications,
Stockholm, Sweden (September 2009)
Collective states of interacting anyons, edge states, and the nucleation of topological liquids
- MPI-PKS workshop on Topological Order: From Quantum Hall Systems to Magnetic Materials,
Dresden, Germany (July 2009)
Topology driven quantum phase transitions [slides]
- Q summer meeting 09,
Santa Barbara, California (June 2009)
Collective states of interacting anyons, edge states, and the nucleation of topological liquids [slides]
- Aspen workshop on Quantum Simulation / Computation with Cold Atoms and Molecules,
Aspen Center for Physics, Colorado (June 2009)
Quantum simulations, adiabtic tranformations, and why we might still need classical computers [slides]
- Qurope09 summer school on Quantum Information and Many-Body Systems,
Cortona, Italy (May 2009)
Topological order and quantum computation
Interacting anyons in topological quantum liquids
- International workshop on The Next Generation of Quantum Simulations,
Moorea, French Polynesia (May 2009)
Extended Ensemble Simulations
- ISSP workshop on Supercomputing in Solid State Physics,
University of Tokyo, Japan (February 2009)
Interacting anyons in topological quantum liquids
- IPAM workshop on Numerical Approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems,
Los Angeles, California (January 2009)
Optimized statistical ensembles
- Banff Workshop on Quantum Computation with Topological Phases of Matter,
Banff, Canada (July 2008)
Interacting anyons in topological quantum liquids: Things golden
- Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics,
Athens, Georgia (February 2006)
Ensemble optimization techniques for the simulation of slowly equilibrating systems
- Einstein Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society,
Berlin, Germany (March 2005)
The ALPS Project: Open Source Software for Strongly Correlated Systems
- The 1st International Workshop Hangzhou 2004 on Simulational Physics,
Hangzhou, China (November 2004)
Optimizing the ensemble for equilibration in broad-histogram Monte Carlo simulations
- ALPS-Workshop on Computational Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems and Nanomagnetics,
Lugano, Switzerland (October 2004)
a) Strong Coupling Expansions for Quantum Lattice Models
b) An introduction to continuous-time QMC: The worm algorithm
- Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2004,
Dresden, Germany (September 2004)
Simulations of quasi-1D quantum spin systems: Successes and challenges
- APS March Meeting,
Montreal, Canada (March 2004)
The ALPS Project: Open Source Software for Quantum Lattice Models
- APS March Meeting,
Indianapolis (March 2002)
Charge ordering phenomena and magnetic excitations in NaV2O5
Seminars and Colloquia
- Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland (January 2025)
- CRC 185 Mini-Symposium, Bonn, Germany (November 2023)
- NHR Computational Physics Symposium, Paderborn, Germany (November 2023)
- Flatiron Seminar, Flatiron Institute, New York, NY (July 2022) [PDF slides]
- IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY (June 2022)
- TRR 288 colloquium, University of Frankfurt, Germany (May 2022)
- University of Duisburg, Germany (January 2022)
- TU München, Germany (December 2021)
- Quantum Cafe, Center for Computational Quantum Physics / Flatiron Institute, New York, NY (virtual, April 2021)
- Quantum Fluids in Isolation Seminar, Boston College, MA (virtual, January 2021) [video, PDF slides]
- University of Cologne, Germany (virtual, December 2020) [video]
- NorthEastern University, MA (virtual, December 2020)
- University of Minnesota, MN (virtual, October 2020)
- LMU München, Germany (virtual, May 2020)
- Perimeter Institute, Canada (May 2019) [video]
- University of Toronto, Canada (April 2019)
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA (March 2019) [audio/video]
- University of Innsbruck, Austria (December 2018)
- FU Berlin, Germany (July 2018)
- University of Utrecht, Netherlands (June 2018)
- Ruhr University Bochum, Germany (June 2018)
- TR 183 meeting, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (March 2018)
- TU Dresden, Germany (January 2018)
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA (August 2017) [audio/video]
- University of Duisburg, Germany (July 2017)
- Princeton University, NJ (June 2017) [PDF slides]
- Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (November 2016)
- Microsoft Station Q, Santa Barbara, CA (September 2016)
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA (September 2015) [PDF slides, audio/video]
- Microsoft Station Q, Santa Barbara, CA (March 2014)
- Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Garching, Germany (March 2014)
- University of Cologne, Germany (July 2013) [PDF slides]
- University of Wuppertal, Germany (June 2013)
- Oxford University, United Kingdom (May 2013)
- Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland (February 2013)
- TR 12 meeting Langeoog, Germany (February 2013)
- MPIs + University of Stuttgart, Germany (February 2013) [PDF slides]
- TU Dortmund, Germany (January 2013)
- ETH Zürich, Switzerland (November 2012)
- University of Bonn, Germany (October 2012)
- University of Cologne, Germany (January 2012)
- University of Cologne, Germany (November 2010)
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA (October 2010) [audio/video]
- University of Würzburg, Germany (July 2010)
- Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW), Dresden, Germany (June 2010)
- Max-Planck Institut for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (June 2010)
- Free University of Berlin, Germany (May 2010)
- University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), Santa Cruz, CA (January 2010)
- University of California at Irvine (UCI), Irvine, CA (November 2009)
- California NanoSystems Institute, Santa Barbara, CA (October 2009)
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA (May 2009) [audio/video]
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (October 2008)
- Max-Planck Institut for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (September 2008)
- Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland (May 2008)
- National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland (May 2008)
- Boston University, Boston (April 2008)
- Harvard University, Boston (April 2008)
- University of Cologne, Germany (November 2007)
- University of Frankfurt, Germany (November 2007)
- University of Augsburg, Germany (November 2007)
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA (October 2007)
- Aspen Center for Physics, CO (July 2007)
- RWTH Aachen, Germany (January 2007)
- TU München, Germany (November 2006)
- LMU München, Germany (November 2006)
- Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany (November 2006)
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (October 2006)
- Universität Hamburg, Germany (May 2006)
- University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA (March 2006)
- University of Waterloo, Canada (January 2006)
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (October 2005)
- ETH Zürich, Switzerland (October 2005)
- Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany (August 2005)
- ETH Zürich, Switzerland (April 2005)
- Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland (April 2005)
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (March 2005)
- Columbia University, New York, NY (February 2005)
- Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (January 2005)
- Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA (January 2005)
- EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland (January 2005)
- RWTH Aachen, Germany (December 2004)
- University of Nancy, France (May 2004)
- University of Madison, WI (May 2004)
- University of Amherst, MA (March 2004)
- Colloquium at Clark University, MA (March 2004)
- ETH Zürich, Switzerland (November 2003)
- RWTH Aachen, Germany (August 2001)
- University of Saarbrücken, Germany (June 2001)
- TU Braunschweig, Germany (May 2001)
- Princeton University, NJ (March 2001)
- University of Cologne, Germany (December 1999)