Relativity and Cosmology II

53106  |  Summer term 2013

Prof. Dr. Claus Kiefer

Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30, in the seminar room of the Institute for Nuclear Physics
Fridays, 10:00-11:30, in the seminar room of the Institute for Theoretical Physics

Start: April 10, 2013

Master core course within the Primary Area of Specialization GR-QFT

»  Contents of the lecture

Black hole concept drawing

Exercise classes


Manuel Krä, office K105 (Nuclear Physics Institute, ground floor)

Time and place:  

Thursdays, 14:00-15:30, in the conference room of the Institute for Theoretical Physics
Start: April 18, 2013

Exercise sheets

Copies of the exercise sheets can be found in front of the entrance of the Institute for Theoretical Physics. New exercise sheets will be put there each Wednesday after the lecture (11:30 am). Alternatively, they can be downloaded below.
The solutions to the exercises have to be handed in one week later at the end of the lecture on Wednesday or during the exercise class on Thursday. Students who have not passed the first part of the course have to hand in their solutions individually. Students who have passed the first part can hand in their solutions in groups of two.

   No. Release Deadline Discussion
   Exercise sheet 1 April 10 Wed, April 17 April 18
   Exercise sheet 2 April 17 Wed, April 24 May 2
   Exercise sheet 3 April 24 Thu, May 2 May 16
   Exercise sheet 4 April 30 Wed, May 8 May 16
   Exercise sheet 5 May 8 Thu, May 16 June 6
   Exercise sheet 6 May 15 Wed, May 29 June 6
   Exercise sheet 7 May 29 Thu, June 6 June 13
   Exercise sheet 8 June 5 Thu, June 13 June 20
   Exercise sheet 9 June 12 Thu, June 27 June 27
   Exercise sheet 10 June 19 Thu, June 27 July 4
   Exercise sheet 11 June 26 Thu, July 4 July 18
   Exercise sheet 12 July 3 Wed, July 10 July 18

Criteria for passing the course

  • Active participation in the exercise class, i.e. presenting a solution to an exercise at least twice.
  • At least 50 % of the credit points from the exercises.


  • J. B. Hartle, Gravity (Addison-Wesley)
  • P. Padmanabhan, Gravitation (Cambridge University Press)
  • C. Misner, K. Thorne, J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation (W. H. Freeman)
  • R. Sexl, H. Urbantke, Gravitation und Kosmologie (Spektrum)
  • Lecture notes by H. Matschull, University of Mainz (in German): Part 1, Part 2

Further reading

Contents of the lecture
  • Geodesics in the Schwarzschild solution
  • Relativistic stars and black holes
  • Cosmology

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