Relativity and Cosmology I

53109  |  Winter term 2012/13

Prof. Dr. Claus Kiefer

Mondays, 16:00-17:30, and Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30,
in the seminar room of the Institute for Theoretical Physics

Start: October 8, 2012

Master core course within the Primary Area of Specialization GR-QFT

»  Contents of the lecture

Schwarzschild wormhole

Exercise classes


Manuel Krä, office K105 (Nuclear Physics Institute, ground floor)

Time and place:  

Thursdays, 14:00-15:30, in the seminar room of the Institute for Nuclear Physics (ground floor)
Start: October 25, 2012

Exercise sheets

Copies of the exercise sheets can be found in front of the entrance of the Institute for Theoretical Physics. New exercise sheets will be put there each Wednesday after the lecture (11:30 am). Alternatively, they can be downloaded below.
The solutions to the exercises have to be handed in one week later at the end of the lecture on Wednesday or during the exercise class on Thursday by each student individually. The exercises are then discussed yet another week later.

   No. Release Deadline Discussion
   Exercise sheet 1 October 10 Wed, October 17 October 25
   Exercise sheet 2 October 17 Thu, October 25 November 8
   Exercise sheet 3 October 24 Wed, Oct 31/Thu, Nov 8 November 8 and 15
   Exercise sheet 4 October 31 Thu, November 8 November 15
   Exercise sheet 5 November 7 Thu, November 15 November 22
   Exercise sheet 6 November 14 Thu, November 22 November 29
   Exercise sheet 7 November 21 Thu, November 29 December 6
   Exercise sheet 8 November 28 Thu, December 6 December 13
   Exercise sheet 9 December 5 Thu, December 13 December 20
   Exercise sheet 10 December 12 Thu, December 20 January 10
   Exercise sheet 11 December 19 Thu, January 10 January 17
   Exercise sheet 12 January 9 Thu, January 17 January 24
   Exercise sheet 13 January 16 Mon, January 28 January 31

Criteria for passing the course

  • Active participation in the exercise class, i.e. presenting a solution to an exercise at least twice.
  • At least 50 % of the credit points from the exercises.


  • J. B. Hartle, Gravity (Addison-Wesley)
  • P. Padmanabhan, Gravitation (Cambridge University Press)
  • C. Misner, K. Thorne, J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation (W. H. Freeman)
  • R. Sexl, H. Urbantke, Gravitation und Kosmologie (Spektrum)
  • Lecture notes by H. Matschull, University of Mainz (in German): Part 1, Part 2

Further reading

Contents of the lecture
  1. Introduction
  2. Newtonian gravity
  3. Special relativity
  4. Gravity as geometry
  5. Differential geometry I: Classic formulation
  6. Einstein’s field equations and their linear approximation
  7. Gravitational waves
  8. Differential geometry II: Modern formulation
  9. The Schwarzschild solution

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