Quantum Computational Physics
fall 2024

Tue, 10.00   | weekly lecture
  S. Trebst, E0.03 (ETP)

Fri, 10.00   | biweekly lecture
  S. Trebst, E0.03 (ETP)

Fri, 10.00   | biweekly tutorial
  F. Eckstein, M. Pütz, Q. Preiss, E0.03 (ETP)

lecture dates: Oct 8, 11, 22, 29; Nov 5, 12, 15, 22, 26; Dec 10, 17; Jan 7, 14, 24, 28
tutorial dates: Oct 15, 25; Nov 8, 19; Dec 3, 20; Jan 17, 31


The lecture will introduce concepts, algorithms, and practical computational skills to simulate quantum many-body systems on digital quantum computing platforms that have become broadly accesible in recent years (such as the cloud-accessible processors from IBM Quantum, AWS Braket, or Microsoft Azure Quantum).

As such this lecture aims to complete a "trifecta" of our computational physics curriculum of a bachelor-level computational physics course (mostly addressing single- and few-particle physics), a master-level computational many-body physics course (addressing how to simulate classical and quantum many-body systems on classical compute hardware) with a course doing "quantum on quantum".

This course will not teach high-level quantum algorithms (aimed at revolutionizing, e.g., quantum chemistry calculations) nor intermediate-level quantum simulations (aiming to bring, say, the Hubbard model onto a quantum computer), but will aim at the "assembler-level" of quantum computing, asking what kind of quantum many-body phenomena one can induce in digital quantum circuits that employ not only the conventional set of unitary gates, but also mid-circuit measurements and active feedback.

Please sign up for this course via its ILIAS entry,
which will help us in coordinating this course and its tutorials.

Lectures | Syllabus | Literature


Lecture weeks (toggle): week 1+2 | week 3+4 | week 5+6 | week 7+8 | week 9+10 | week 11+12 | week 13+14

Week 7 (November 25, 2024)

  • lecture notes:   Stabilizer formalism, quantum error correction (toric code), decoders

Week 8 (December 2, 2024)



General textbooks
General references
Programming resources on the web


This specialized course is intended for master students; it builds on a bachelor level introduction to quantum mechanics and computational physics as it is taught in many places around the world. Prior attendance of the master-level courses on computational many-body physics and quantum information theory will be a plus.

We also expect you to have light programming experience, though not in any specific programming language.